Saturday, January 1, 2011

Shadow government; corporate government; military government;

Backroom government exposed

Alexander Cockburn, Truthout: "When it comes to journalistic achievements in 2010, the elephant in the room is WikiLeaks. I've seen many put-downs of the materials as containing 'no smoking guns', or as being essentially trivial communications to the State Department from U.S. diplomats and kindred government agents around the world. Now, it's true that the cables were legally available to well over 1.5 million Americans, who had adequate security clearance. But trivial? Don't believe it. The cables show the daily business of a mighty empire acting in manners diametrically opposite to public pretensions. The cables form one of the most extraordinary lessons in the cold realities of international diplomacy ever made public. Normally, scholars have to wait for 10, 20, even 50 years to gain access to such papers."


Smoke signals turn to fire

As one review of "Unequal Protection" observes:
America has lost the legal structures that allowed for people to control corporate behavior.
As a result, the largest transnational corporations fill a role today that has historically been filled by kings. They control most of the world's wealth and exert power over the lives of most of the world's citizens. Their CEOs are unapproachable and live lives of nearly unimaginable wealth and luxury


Special Forces at work around globe clandestinely creating conditions for war

The Pentagon's 21st Century Counterinsurgency Wars: Latin America and South Asia
by Rick Rozoff

The qualitative escalations of counterinsurgency wars in Afghanistan and Colombia are, first of all, integrally related and, second, both part of far broader regional strategies. The current Obama administration has continued and accelerated the expansion of the Afghan war into neighboring Pakistan, with almost six times the population of its neighbor and nuclear weapons; and its enhanced role in Colombia, a nation that launched a military assault into Ecuador in March of last year and has been installing bases and deploying troops on its border with Venezuela, can also drag the entire Andean region into the vortex of armed confrontation and eventual war.


Remarkable in-depth comments of some of our intellectual luminaries on day one of a new year with high expectations for miraculous recovery from NAFTA, Patriot Act, Petraeus, Beck et al

7 Cities no decent white man would live in anyway !!!

mexico is invading america and our government isn't doing a thing about it. just letting them take our health
care no car ins. two or three driver's license.being illegal in mexico u go to jail, in america u get a job? whats wrongwith that pic?

Dani Allen
Just another example of how Americans are giving up America.

liberal economics

with the epa controlling the carbon emission problem im sure green jobs will be so plentful everyone will find employment , a chicken in every pot, utopia found ....of course you might have to walk to work.

Uhgug Ihbb wow ,this is a great article !
. I am a 32-years old doctor, mature and beautiful.and now I am
seeking a young man who can give me real love , so i got a username
blondKY91 on -----AffluentMeet. ℃○M------ .where you have the opportunity dreaming about d'ating a millionaire and make it true! u don't have to be a millionaire .but u can meet one.I think everyone need to meet some miracle
What this article isn't saying about Flint is that it is being overrun by muslims,


Courts no longer about justice but which party controls the scales. Think Supreme Court selection of Bush, Supreme Court rejection of 100 year old position on corporate donations

WASHINGTON – Republicans and Democrats must find a long-term solution to selecting federal judges, Chief Justice John Roberts says, while blaming both sides for the political gridlock of judicial nominations in the Senate.
"Each political party has found it easy to turn on a dime from decrying to defending the blocking of judicial nominations, depending on their changing political fortunes," Roberts said Friday in his year-end report. "This has created acute difficulties for some judicial districts. Sitting judges in those districts have been burdened with extraordinary caseloads."


Wonder how courts classify Special Forces murders in Columbia, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Italy et al. Probably not terrorist activities to bring down weak governments

RICHMOND, Va. – Attorneys for five Somali men convicted of attacking a U.S. Navy ship off Africa are asking a judge to reconsider the piracy conviction.
The attorneys in December asked a federal judge to look at defense claims that the men who attacked the USS Nicholas on April 1 did not commit piracy because they did not board or rob the frigate.

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