Facts without impact in setting budget cuts that will penalize working Americans
President Dwight Eisenhower who gave the strongest warning: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
The United States spends nearly as much on military power as every other country in the world combined, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. It says that we spend more than six times as much as the country with the next highest budget, China.
The New Republicrats-- Obama has obliterated what was left of the Democratic Party after Clinton’s destruction of the welfare program
Alex Seitz-Wald, ThinkProgress: "For the past two years, conservatives have repeatedly attacked President Obama for supposedly endangering American lives by not being aggressive enough in going after terrorists.... Retired Vice Admiral Mike McConnell, who served as the Director of National Intelligence under President Bush, said the Obama 'administration has been as aggressive, if not more aggressive in pursuing' terror threats."
“Republicans think banging the war drums wins them votes, and Democrats think if they don’t chime in, they’ll lose votes,” said Andrew Bacevich, an ex-military officer who now is a historian at Boston University. He is author of a thoughtful recent book, “Washington Rules: America’s Path to Permanent War.”
American Drug Corporations use illegal aliens to benefit our elite health insurance companies
Patrick Winn, GlobalPost: "Before any pill reaches the pharmacy shelf, it must first pass through a gauntlet of human guinea pigs: the 'clinical subjects' paid to take trial drugs so specialists can observe their symptoms. But like call centers and high-end hospitals, drug trials too are rapidly shifting to India and Asia with Thailand as the region's favored frontrunner."
Security agencies will destroy us.
WASHINGTON — The Drug Enforcement Administration has been transformed into a global intelligence organization with a reach that extends far beyond narcotics, and an eavesdropping operation so expansive it has to fend off foreign politicians who want to use it against their political enemies, according to secret diplomatic cables.
Who started the artillery exchanges in Korean Peninsula?
Defending Korea Line Seen Contrary to Law by Kissinger Remains U.S. Policy
The sea border that has become the main battleground between North and South Korea 57 years after it was imposed by a U.S. general has been called legally indefensible by American officials for more than three decades.
Then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wrote in a 1975 classified cable that the unilaterally drawn Northern Limit Line was “clearly contrary to international law.” Two years before, the American ambassador said in another cable that many nations would view South Korea and its U.S. ally as “in the wrong” if clashes occurred in disputed areas along the boundary.
The first arty firing South Korea did was already a clear provocation. It was not routine. It fired, despite heavy protest, from an island in disputed (and likely not really South Korean, see Kissinger) westward which is in that area towards North Korean water and land. The North Koreans responded as promised. With some 150 shots of which some 90 fell into the see, most of the rest hit the South Korean artillery base killing 2 military, 2 civilians working there and wounding 17 military. A few rounds did hit civilian places but no one was harmed there.
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