Friday, December 3, 2010

Mullen, arsenic, Assange, Gitmoand the rest

Who is the patriot and who is the politician?
"With all due respect, Mr. Chairman and Sen. McCain, it is true that, as chairman, I am not in charge of troops. But I have commanded three ships, a carrier battle group and two fleets. And I was most recently a service chief myself. For more than 40 years I have made decisions that affected and even risked the lives of young men and women.
"You do not have to agree with me on this issue. But don't think for one moment that I haven't carefully considered the impact of the advice I give on those who will have to live with the decisions that that advice informs. I would not recommend repeal of this law if I did not believe in my soul that it was the right thing to do for our military, for our nation and for our collective honor." Admiral Mullen
The end of Free Speech
"The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops," Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow said in a tweet reposted by WikiLeaks to its 300,000-odd followers.”
Proving the Bill of Rights is a sham and the government can pick and choose when, where, and if we exercise them. WE have come to this.
Not good for Muslim radicals over icons, not good for American commentators over politics
WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson said late Wednesday the organization was trying to keep Assange's location a secret for security reasons. He noted commentators in the United States and Canada had called for Assange to be hunted down or killed.
Controversial Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding"
A two-month investigation lead by Truthout's Jason Leopold and Jeffrey Kaye reveals for the first time that the Defense Department forced all "war on terror" detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison to take a high dosage of a controversial antimalarial drug, mefloquine, an act that an Army public health physician called "pharmacologic waterboarding."
From an AP Press release 12/2/10
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff tried to play down Won's [South Korean spy chief Won Sei-hoon] comments, saying the intelligence was that North Korea ordered its troops to prepare to return fire should South Korea conduct artillery drills [which it did].
From Time Magazine, 2010 Year in Review
But in the past few years, governments have designated so much information secret that you wonder whether they intend the time of day to be classified. The number of new secrets designated as such by the U.S. government has risen 75%, from 105,163 in 1996 to 183,224 in 2009, according to the U.S. Information Security Oversight Office. At the same time, the number of documents and other communications created using those secrets has skyrocketed nearly 10 times, from 5,685,462 in 1996 to 54,651,765 in 2009. Not surprisingly, the number of people with access to that Everest of information has grown too. In 2008, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found, the Pentagon alone gave clearances to some 630,000 people.
"When everything is classified, then nothing is classified," said Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart in his judgment in the Pentagon papers case in 1971, when documents detailing the U.S.'s involvement in Vietnam were leaked to the Washington Post and New York Times. Then, said Potter, "the system becomes one to be disregarded by the cynical or the careless, and to be manipulated by those intent on self-protection or self-promotion."
Arsenic and old lace—life not all it’s cracked up to be
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A strange, salty lake in California has yielded an equally strange bacterium that thrives on arsenic and redefines life as we know it, researchers reported on Thursday.
The finding shows just how little scientists know about the variety of life forms on Earth, and may greatly expand where they should be looking for life on other planets and moons, the NASA-funded team said.
ED’s Note—Maybe there’s a chance we will get it right yet on another planet surviving on the poison that is killing us here.
From a respondent
If you are a true American you understand the media is intended to be the 4th branch of the government. This man is not a danger to our nation our own government that steals our liberties is from tapping our phones to tapping our emails.
Is anyone aware of how many young muslim children we are turning into future actual terrorists who have seen nothing but Americans wreaking havoc in their country. There is no reason to be there spending 2 billion daily overseas.
Our entire war in Vietnam was predicated on the Gulf of Tonkin incident which was Robert McNamara finally admitted never occurred.
Where is the outrage toward our own government and intelligence agencies that took our President Kennedy from us because we was removing all troops from Vietnam by 1964?
America has had a silent coup since that day and it is run by a group of elites who want nothing but to use the American middle class as cattle and our troops as imperial pawns.
Most of Americans do not even know Wall Street is paying out 144 billion in bonuses and that the Federal Reserve prints money whenever it feels like it punishing Americans who are trying to save.
They do not want you being able to afford a home 50% lower from these levels so they are inflating the assets of the elite with literal free money and our food and energy is climbing higher.
This government is just looking for distractions for the peasants will use anything to keep you unaware and in zombie mode while they steal the future wealth from our children.
I work full time, I have 2 daughters, I attend school full-time but I finally took the time to realize that everything created around me is like the Matrix. They want us watching Dancing with the Stars, The Kardashians, Glee, Football and shutting up and sitting down while they thieve our wealth.

This is actually happening folks. Check out Zero Hedge

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